Jul 14, 2010


Avatar gear

The basic armor from the start of the game. If someone is a fun of the film and wants to be like its main character then I recommend it. Although, it is the worst armor, if you can call it an armor at all.

Awvea Tsamiyu

You will get it for free after uniting with Na’vi. Nothing special.


You will have to wait quite long for another armor. You will get it along with Reyala Pack - 121,000 XP. It has better statistics than the previous version, but it's still not enough to wear it during crucial battles. For sure, its design is a plus.

NAWMA Eyktan

The first worth recommending armor comes with Kalfmam Pack at 181,000 XP. Its high stability and security statistics cannot be overestimate. Nawma Eyktan will stay on the main character’s body for a long time


It has the same statistics as Eyktan, so the question concerns only its design, which is a more traditional

Avatar gear

The basic armor from the start of the game. If someone is a fun of the film and wants to be like its main character then I recommend it. Although, it is the worst armor, if you can call it an armor at all.

Awvea Tsamiyu

You will get it for free after uniting with Na’vi. Nothing special.


You will have to wait quite long for another armor. You will get it along with Reyala Pack - 121,000 XP. It has better statistics than the previous version, but it's still not enough to wear it during crucial battles. For sure, its design is a plus.

NAWMA Eyktan

The first worth recommending armor comes with Kalfmam Pack at 181,000 XP. Its high stability and security statistics cannot be overestimate. Nawma Eyktan will stay on the main character’s body for a long time.


It has the same statistics as Eyktan, so the question concerns only its design, which is a more traditional.


You will receive it with Tarkyun Pack (300000 XP). Very strong outfit, but strongly lowered the capacity of mobility. Moreover, it is not surprising as the armor looks very splendid.

NAWMA Tsamiyu

The priestly armor is really useless because it strongly slows hero; statistics of strength and protection are comparable with two previous types.

NAWMA Taronyu

One of the better armor for Na’vi. For sure, it will be useful during the final levels. It is distinguished by a great strength while maintaining a standard rate of speed.


Probably the best armor for Na’vi. You will get it after gaining 500,000 XP, which suggests that in addition to the main tasks you will have to complete side quests. Very strong outfit, strongly recommend.

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